
8th Annual
Jordan River Jubilee

Arrive as early as you can in the morning to settle in
* Channel the River I with Aviva Spiegel (individual and small group coaching: How to use the river's ebb and flow to connect with our own flow and resistance. see description below)
* Free time to play, share, socialize, relax, explore
* Private time for introspection and guided journaling for Elul (bring a journal and pen)
* Dinner and Divrei Torah about the miraculous Jordan River
* night time BONFIRE and Sharing our Stories
followed by GOOD OLD FASHION DANCING AND SINGING with a great playlist and loud speaker
* Morning Yoga and stretching
* Meditation/prayer
* Free time to play, share, socialize, relax, explore
* Lunch and sharing Elul Learning and Insights
* Channel the River II with Aviva Spiegel
Channel the River- An Extreme Sport tailored to every ability! (individual coaching and small group sessions each day) Learn to navigate the river -- climbing, floating, swimming against the current, body surfing, reptilian crawling, rock resting, hanging-on-branch-stretch, and more techniques to use the River as a natural jungle gym to explore and challenge our own physical abilities and limitations and how we "cope with" our resistance and "relax into" the flow we do not control. The Jordan is not only a miraculous river (the very cells of this river still exclaim, "Am Yisrael Come Home! Enter the Land!"), it is an endlessly inspiring playground within which to explore the Land of our Soul. The River is a living metaphor upon which to hang our experience of "channeling" our personal Divine Flow into our physical being
Private Healing sessions for energetic release & rejuvenation🌈are available with Maskit Ben Moshe and Nechama Shaina.
Practical Details
This is full-on camping. No facilities- just pure 360 degrees of gorgeous nature.
Cost: 250 NIS for all of the retreat (or one day and night program). 150 NIS for a day. (includes the workshops (2-3 per day) plus one cooked meal a day
Please pay ahead of time with Bit or if that is not an option, let Aviva know directly you will pay cash at site.
Food: 1 hot meal a day provided. For the rest of your nourishment, bring your own non-spoil-able food and lots of water- minimum 2 liters per day!
I will be bringing a gas camping stove, pots, and food to cook one hearty communal meal each day. Please be in direct contact with Aviva to discuss how you can help with the cooking. You must RSVP to get in on the meals so I know how much food to purchase. Bring your own bowl/plate/spoon/fork
What to bring: tent, flashlight,(if camping) ground cover, toiletries and toilet paper (no, there are no bathrooms.... we're camping), money (massage, and other purchases from ladies who will be selling their wares there), food and water, changes of clothes, sunscreen, hat, swim gear, bug spray (chana selling natural bug spray), journal and pen (optional: instrument, yoga mat, art supplies) towel...
DIRECTIONS to site will be sent to you when you RSVP to Aviva whatsapp 0503650246. Directions also posted to our whatsapp group. PM me to join. Please do not to wait til the last minute to be in touch with me. When I'm at the River I'm not with my phone much.
Locals' Deal:
Feel like you can only get away for a few hours? Join us for half a day! 75 NIS half day. Includes one workshop. Does not include meal. (Add 50 nis to join the hearty hot meal)
Tuesday evening from 4 pm into the night: Catch the afternoon workshop/activity, dinner (add 50 nis or bring your own food) and bonfire party
Wednesday from 10-2: be at the river for morning activities (and lunch if desired)
or 2-6 for hanging out plus Aviva's Workshop
The River location is 55 minutes drive from Tsfat. You must whatsapp Aviva for directions to the site! or join the whatsapp groups below
I encourage you to find a way to do this for yourself! I know it's not simple in our minds to get away, but it's really not so hard in reality. You can do it! You deserve this!
Open this link to join my WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQiJ84VjiH4Jv2HvC0jgAQ




